Your agreed training day(s) and time(s) are reserved and clocked out in AllBodz diary every 2 weeks in advance on a recurring basis.
    PT sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
    PT sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies will be rescheduled by your personal trainer.
    It is YOUR responsibility to follow up and reschedule cancelled PT sessions.
    Book each session directly with your PT bookings are subject to availability.
    PT sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
  3. PT sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies may be rescheduled. It is your responsibility to reschedule.
    Your agreed appointment day(s) and time(s) are reserved and clocked out in AllBodz diary every 4 weeks in advance on a recurring basis.
  3. Nutrition sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
  4. Nutrition sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies will be rescheduled by your nutritionist.
  6. It is YOUR responsibility to follow up and reschedule cancelled nutrition sessions.
    Book each session directly with your nutritionist; bookings are subject to availability.
    Nutrition sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
    Nutrition sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies may be rescheduled. It is your responsibility to reschedule.
    Your agreed therapy day(s) and time(s) are reserved and clocked out in AllBodz diary every 4 weeks in advance on a recurring basis.
    Therapy sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
    Therapy sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies will be rescheduled by your massage therapist.
    It is YOUR responsibility to follow up and reschedule cancelled therapy sessions.
    Book each session directly with your therapist, bookings are subject to availability.
    Therapy sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
    Therapy sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies may be rescheduled. It is your responsibility to reschedule.
    Your agreed treatment sessions and time(s) are reserved and clocked out in AllBodz diary every 1 week in advance on a recurring basis.
    Treatment room/Sauna  sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
    Treatment room/Sauna  sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies will be rescheduled by Concierge.
    It is YOUR responsibility to follow up and reschedule cancelled Treatment room/Sauna sessions.
    Book each session directly with the concierge, bookings are subject to availability.
  3. Treatment room/Sauna sessions cancelled with 24 hours or less notice will be 100% forfeited.
  4. Treatment room/Sauna sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice due to illness, travel or emergencies may be rescheduled. It is your responsibility to reschedule.

ALLBODZ PTY LTD ACN 664 402 448 (“us” / “we” / “our”)
ALLBODZ Rules (“Rules”)
Member or Casual Visitor Name (“you” / “your”)

In these Rules “the Company” means ALLBODZ PTY LTD (and all of its subsidiary or related companies) which provides the Club and its facilities for the benefit of the Members; “the Club” means “ALLBODZ”; “Member” means a Club Member;“Rules” mean the terms and conditions of the Club set out below. It is a condition of membership that Members agree to pay the fees in accordance with their selected membership package and agree to be bound by these Rules. These Rules may be revoked, altered or added to from time to time by the Company, without prior notification to Members. Any such variations will be updated on the Club Rules on our website. The Company has created these Rules for the mutual enjoyment of the Members and their guests. The enforcement of these Rules is for the good of all Members. No Member or guest will be judged on the basis of their race, gender, marital/civil partnership status, age, disability, religion or belief, colour, national origin or sexual orientation or any other factor that makes them unique.

May be physical or virtual, and can be generated via your Member app, or may be issued on the provision of ID. You must use your Membership card to register your use of the ALLBODZ Club every time you wish to use the Club. You must activate your membership at the  entrance at the Concierge to enter the Club. Membership cards are non-transferable, and access methods must not be lent to, or used by, another person other than the Member. If any person other than Member the card belongs to uses the card, that Member’s membership may be terminated and no refunds of the joining fee or subscription will be given. A termination fee may become payable for early termination. The Company reserves the right to retain or cancel any membership card if there has been a defaulted payment by the relevant Member

Club opening hours are fixed by ALLBODZ and are subject to change without prior notice. During weekends, public holidays or other holidays, ALLBODZ may close the Club without notice, in order to execute repairs, alterations, accommodate external events, re-decorations or otherwise, to facilitate Club programmes or on certain holidays. Only ALLBODZ staff and contractors may provide personal training and instructing services within the Club. Members are requested to arrive for appointments and studio sessions in good time. An instructor may refuse entry, or may ask any Member to leave a session if they feel theirs, or another’s, safety or enjoyment is in jeopardy. 

Is not liable for such refused late entries, and late cancellation fees may apply. The Company reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club’s premises at its absolute discretion.  Please see our Booking Rules for more information. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing any activity within the Club. All activities and treatments are pursued at the Member’s own risk. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the session program, management reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule or change the teachers of sessions at short notice. The program may be amended during public holidays. Members may not use the studios unsupervised outside the session timetable. Use of fitness areas and other Club facilities is at your own risk and under your own medical advice.

Proper attire must be worn in the Club. Members must not go topless outside change rooms. You are requested to wear at all times appropriate clean footwear in the fitness areas. Footwear must be worn at all times other than in treatment rooms where you are required to remove your shoes. NO WORK BOOTS OR CROCS OR SLIDES ARE PERMITTED, CORRECT TRAINING SHOES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES.

You are requested to shower before entering the sauna. Shaving or exfoliating within the sauna is forbidden. Using the bathrooms in a way that creates risk of harm to others is forbidden. Only food purchased from the club should be consumed within the club. No alcoholic beverages or drugs of any kind may be brought into the Club. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the Club and may result in termination of membership. You must not use the Club whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Doing so is at your own risk. Mobile phones are allowed in the gym area but not in the locker rooms.  Members must not take photos or videos of other members in the club and must be considerate of other members when using a mobile phone. In the interest of safety, glass containers should not be taken into any fitness areas, Sauna or changing areas. Be considerate of others; loud grunting, loud or abusive language will not be tolerated. Club property, including towels, toiletries, etc., is provided by the Club as a courtesy to its Members during Club usage only. Removal of Club property from the premises may result in the termination of membership privileges, cancellation of your Membership, early termination fees, and legal action.

Member appointments for massage treatments, hot/cold therapy room, nutrition consults and personal training sessions that have been booked require 24 hours’ notice when cancelling. If a Member fails to attend an appointment without providing such notice, the Club reserves the right to consider the appointment forfieted. Please see our Booking Rules or more information. A team member also will have the right to contact you if the appointment has been missed without proper communication.
As group sessions are small, to keep it fair to other members, a late fee may apply to cancellations made 12 hours or less from the start time. Some big gyms ban you from booking another session that month. A small fee seems fairer than preventing you from booking sessions.

Standard payment processing fees $0 – ALLBODZ pays these for you
Class cancellation / no-show fee if you cancel up to 12 hours before the small group session or don’t turn up $10
PT cancellation UNDER 24HRS/ Forfeit of session.
Membership cancellation – one months’ membership equivalent break fee
Third party payment processing fees if your direct debit or direct credit fails: $3
We also reserve the right to pass down any chargeback or dispute service fee we are charged.
All fees are billed by Ezidebt.

Members are required to leave workout areas clean and tidy. As a courtesy to other Members and for health and safety reasons, equipment must be replaced in the storage areas/racks provided and equipment must be wiped down after use. 

Lockers may be available for use by Members whilst they are on the Club’s premises, subject to availability. Members must ensure that the contents of the daily lockers are removed at the end of their visit. All bags must be kept in lockers and should not be taken into the fitness areas. The Company reserves the right to remove the contents from any locker which has not been emptied after the visit. Property cleared from lockers, or left on the premises, shall be donated to charity after 1 month. Any person caught tampering with a locker or reasonably suspected of theft is subject to their membership being suspended or terminated, and being reported to law enforcement. Do not bring valuables to ALLBODZ – we cannot guarantee their safety, even in lockers.

Do not bring valuables into the Club. Neither the Club nor the Company will accept liability for any damage or loss to a Member’s or guest’s personal property brought into the Club’s premises. All activities and treatments are taken at the Member’s or guest’s own risk. Neither the Club, the Company nor their staff, contractors or any other person is be liable for personal injury sustained by Members or their guests whilst on the Club’s premises, except in so far as it can be proven that this relates to the wilful act, neglect or default of the Company or the Club or any contractors or agents. Members or guests who suffer an accident or injury on the Club premises must report the accident or injury and the circumstances in which it occurred to the Club Management immediately following the accident or injury.

Members and guests must warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and capable of engaging in exercise and notify a member of the fitness team immediately in order that Member/guest notes and their programme can be updated or medical clearance obtained. If through injury or other reason, such as pregnancy, this is not the case, they must consult a doctor before engaging in exercise and that he/she knows of no medical or other reason why he/she is not able to engage in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to his/her health, safety, comfort or physical condition. The Member shall not use any Club facilities whilst suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or whilst suffering from a physical ailment such as open cuts, abrasions, open sores or minor infections where there is a risk that such use may be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of other Members. Before using the club you should familiarise yourself with the fire exits and emergency routes in case of evacuation. Please note that employees are NOT required to “seek & search” the building. Therefore it is the responsibility of each individual to follow the relevant instructions.

Your data privacy and security are important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy, which explains how we collect, store and handle your personal information.

Members and guests are encouraged to make any comment or complaint to Concierge or info@allbodz.com.au. Please ensure that all contact details are provided so a member of the team can contact you. Should a Member or guest wish to discuss any issue in person they can also request to speak to the manager on duty who can be contacted by the Concierge. Members and guests may also contact the General Manager.

The Company may assign the benefit of the Membership Agreement to a third party at any time without notice to the Member. A person who is not a party to the Membership Agreement has no rights to rely upon or enforce any term of the Membership Agreement.

Membership freezes must be activated at least 5 business days before the freeze, and cancellations at least 2 weeks before the cancellation date and in accordance with your membership terms. Membership cannot be amended whilst in the notice period. Verbal instructions to freeze, amend or cancel a membership cannot be accepted, all requests must be in writing to info@allbodz.com.au. Memberships can only be cancelled if subscription is active. Membership fees and/or prepaid fees are not refundable. Members cannot use the Club and cannot apply to cancel while their membership is frozen. The Company shall have the right to suspend or withdraw Club privileges or membership from any Member who, in their opinion, has abused privileges or conducted himself or herself in a manner deemed detrimental to the Club staff or its Members. Such expulsion or suspension shall become effective immediately and no reimbursement will be issued to such Member of the prorated portion of their unused monthly fees. There will be no refund of the joining fee. The Manager or a delegate shall have complete charge of the Club whilst on duty. Members may be suspended or expelled from the Club immediately if they display conduct which is, or is likely to be in the sole opinion of the Company, injurious to the character of the Club or the interests of the Members and staff, or if they commit a serious or repeated breach of these Rules, in particular where amounts owing to the Company are unpaid. An expelled Member forfeits all the privileges of the membership and all rights against the Club. An expelled Member will not be entitled to any refund of their joining fee or subscription and must pay all amounts owed to the Company forthwith. CCTV Closed circuit cameras operate throughout the Club (except in the changing areas) (see our PrivacyPolicy for more information). Any unlawful activity within the Club may be reviewed for possible legal action.

Members and guests are encouraged to make any comment or complaint to Concierge or info@allbodz.com.au. Please ensure that all contact details are provided so a member of the team can contact you. Should a Member or guest wish to discuss any issue in person they can also request to speak to the manager on duty who can be contacted by the Concierge. Members may also contact the General Manager.

The Company may communicate with the Members via electronic mail (“email”) and/or by SMS as set out in our Privacy Policy.


Agreement for Participating in Personal Strength, Fitness & Conditioning.

The “Trainer” means the Australian Registered Business individual fitness professional.

The “Activity” means the participation in personal/group strength, fitness and conditioning training and general advice.

I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in this activity that I do so at my own risk. I accept all risks and hereby indemnify and release the trainer, their agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters and any person or body directly and indirectly associated with the trainer, against all liability (including liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) claims, demands and proceeding arising out of or connected with my participation in his Activity. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, successors, executors, personal representative and assigns. I acknowledge that participating in this activity may involve a risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including over exertions, dehydration, equipment failure and accidents with equipment and surroundings.

I recognise the difficulties associated with the activity and attest I am physically fit to participate safely in the Activity and that a qualified medical practitioner has not advised me otherwise.

I understand the demanding physical nature of this Activity. I am not aware of any medical condition, injury or impairment that will be detrimental to my health if I participate in this Activity. In the event that I become aware of any medical condition, injury or impairment that may be detrimental to my health if I participate in this Activity my Trainer will be immediately informed. By continuing to participate in this activity, I accept the risks despite these conditions and am still, and will always be under the terms of this agreement.

I certify that I am 18 years or older and have read this document and fully understand it.  As a parent or guardian of the participant.

(a) I agree to the above for myself and on behalf of the participant and (b) Indemnify and will keep indemnified any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the conduct of the Activity on the terms referred to.

Treatment rooms, therapy rooms and saunas are only available during staffed hours and will be locked outside these hours. Our club, or areas within the club may have to close for general maintenance or occasional events.

Nutritionist appointments are subject to availability, post nutrition is only available during staffed hours